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Meeting of State Council Commission on Industry

The meeting was attended by Minister
of Industry and Trade Anton Alikhanov Alikhanov AntonMinister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation , regional heads, State Duma committee
chairman Vladimir Gutenev, Director General of the Agency for Strategic
Initiatives Svetlana Chupsheva Chupsheva SvetlanaDirector General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives , and representatives from development
institutions and industrial companies.
In his opening remarks, Alexei Dyumin Dyumin AlexeiAide to the President
noted that Russia’s economy and industry were facing numerous challenges and threats which would continue to intensify. Therefore, State Council
commissions, including the Commission on Industry, should partner up with the regions in order to work out the most effective development tools and, in collaboration with the Government, incorporate them into national projects and have
them implemented in the regions.
“The President has significantly
elevated the status of State Council commissions by including their chairs in project committees for developing national projects,” Alexei Dyumin said. “This
is a serious resource and a strong expression of trust, which we must uphold.”
In his remarks, Vyacheslav
Fedorishchev Fedorishchev VyacheslavGovernor of the Samara Region outlined the main areas of the Commission’s work, including improvement of industrial
legislation, and made an emphasis on the Commission’s
responsibility for developing and implementing new technological leadership national
Anton Alikhanov noted that creating industrial
public-private partnerships to support projects was an important tool developed
by the Commission which will help support long-term low-profitability projects
which are nonetheless strategically important for the country.
He added that proper amounts of funding
for national projects have been identified and suggested teaming up with the State Council Commission on Technological Leadership led by Krasnoyarsk Territory Governor Mikhail Kotyukov Kotyukov MikhailGovernor of Krasnoyarsk Territory in order to develop mechanisms to support
President of AvtoVAZ Maxim Sokolov Sokolov Maxim highlighted
the importance of creating an environment where investing in local production
of vehicles and auto parts in Russia would make more economic sense than
importing finished vehicles.
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Mikhail
Ivanov reported about a new national project titled “Production and Automation
Equipment.” Rector of Moscow State Technological University STANKIN Vladimir
Serebrenny outlined the main activities under the Science and Staff for the Production
of Capital Goods and Automation Equipment federal project.
